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Fritz Feds

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Bringing Back the Bayonet

Feddie Returns!


Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Bad Couple Weeks

First, WFB passed away.

Then today, we hear that Brett Favre is retiring.

Completely different sorts of sadness really, but then again, in the grand scheme of things 1) it is hard to say which is worse (accounting for faith), and 2) both are completely and totally selfish.


Thursday, February 14, 2008

A Bit Jealous

Earlier this week we hosted Prof. Nelson Lund from the George Mason University School of Law for a debate on the Second Amendment and D.C. v. Heller. All around a great event, but at dinner later on Prof. Lund mentioned a curriculum requirement that GMUSL is instituting, their course "The Founders' Constitution." Needless to say, this being a Fed-Soc dinner, we were all (from the U and from St. Thomas) intrigued, and quite honestly, a bit jealous. If I wasn't a 3L devoid of ambition, I would totally undertake the course (the syllabus is available on the course website) as a self-improvement/independent study course.

