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Fritz Feds

Monday, January 09, 2006

Ah yes, I'll have the Alito.

Well, as the Alito hearing gets underway, here is an article (I think you have to register, so I will work in a fair amount of the text) in the NYT comparing Judge Alito with now Chief Justice Roberts.  It is interesting, I’ll give it that, but then I am a sucker for Reagan-era anything.  Basically, the article says “they’re alike, but different, or are they?” Awesome, way to go Times.  Here’s a paragraph that made me arch an eyebrow:

“Some Democratic lawyers argue, however, that the similarity of the men's backgrounds may be a liability, too. "Some senators might well conclude that the fact that one nominee is so similar to the immediate previous nominee is an argument against confirmation," said Walter E. Dellinger III, who was acting solicitor general in the Clinton administration. "Some might say, send us someone a little different."

File that under wishful thinking Walter.  Or don’t, I mean, I could see Ted Kennedy saying something like that, or Schumer, or Biden (though he would probably flash it off his teeth in Morse code).  Ok, pretty much any D, especially those on the Judiciary Committee, but then they’re more or less grasping at straws these days, and because Ted Kennedy is clearly a pinko-commie peacenik abortionist groupie.  Ok, so maybe not wishful thinking, just crazed stupid clawing desperation arguments (oh man, DiFi might too, though she would demand a woman, since that’s who she represents).  Do I want to back that up with some facts, figures, background, precedent? No, its 2am, and I have a long day of CSPAN watching tomorrow.  

Continuing on:

“To many of their former colleagues, the ascent of both men to the Supreme Court within months of each other would be the high point of a conservative revolution in the legal establishment: an effort over several decades to seed the federal courts with jurists holding a narrower interpretation of the Constitution's application to abortion rights, civil rights, the rights of criminal defendants and the scope of federal power.”

"It is the culmination," said Edwin Meese III, who was attorney general in the Reagan administration and a leading architect of the movement. "Judge Alito and Chief Justice Roberts represent the best among the group of excellent young lawyers that came into government at the same time in the Reagan administration."

Ok, so I really just wanted to remind people that Ed Meese was still alive.    


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